Saturday, July 24, 2021

Music for the Ninth Sunday after Pentecost: July 25, 2021


OPENING VOLUNTARY When Jesus Came to Jordan (King’s Lynn) setting, David Cherwien

I don’t often choose hymn-based voluntaries that aren’t related to the lectionary, but I have today. This hymn is a baptism hymn, in recognition of  the baptism that we will hold after the Hymn of the Day during this morning’s service.


GATHERING HYMN Praise and Thanksgiving (Bunessan) ELW 689

Everybody loves singing this Gaelic tune. Here it’s paired with a text by the English hymn writer Alfred F. Bayly (1907-1971).

I t might seem to be a hymn of general thanksgiving, but the last stanza ties it to the gospel reading, reminding us that no one will be hungry when God’s kingdom is established.


HYMN OF THE DAY Holy Woman, Graceful Giver (ACS 1002) Alabaster Jar

A depiction of Mary Magdalene with an anointing jar.
Jan van Scorel (1495-1562)

Two versions of this hymn, both written by Susan Palo Cherwien (b. 1953), exist. The first (ACS 1001) was written to celebrate the 25th anniversary of the ordination of women in the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America.

Anne Krentz Organ
Director of Music Ministries
St. Luke's Lutheran Church
Park Ridge, IL

The tune is by Anne Krentz Organ (b. 1960) who also composed the handbell pieces we have heard over the last two weeks.

Alabaster Jar is a new hymntune, through-composed (no melodic repetition) that is short and easily followed. If you would like to gain some familiarity before-hand, follow this link to hear a recording by Anne Krentz Organ. This is the first version of the hymn:

The story of the woman with the alabaster jar, Mary of Bethany, is included in all four gospel accounts. There have been times when the story was associated with Mary Magdalene, but that seems to be a discounted opinion these days.


MUSCIAL OFFERING As this Broken Bread Wayne L. Wold

This text comes from the Didache, a Christian document from the second century that holds much of what we know of the early church’s worship practices.



Sylvia Dunstan’s (1955-1993) appears in ELW at 461 with tune Holy Manna. Today we sing it with a tune by Bob Moore – Grace Eternal. Bob Moore is one of the best-known liturgical composers of our day – and he lives in Jacksonville where he serves as the Director of Music Ministry at the Episcopal Church of Our Savior in Mandarin.

Moore’s composition, Opening Remarks is scored for oboe and viola. It was written for the San Marco Chamber Music Society and premiered at St. Mark’s by Eric and Ellen Olson. You can hear their performance, and view a “scrolling score” this link.


SENDING HYMN Sent Forth by God’s Blessing (The Ash Grove) ELW 547


CLOSING VOLUNTARY Fanfare and Trumpet Voluntary David Lasky

New bulletin artwork by Rachel Mumford!




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