Saturday, July 17, 2021

Music for the Eighth Sunday after Pentecost: July 18, 2021

 OPENING VOLUNTARY The King of Love My Shepherd Is

(St. Columba)

setting, Charles Callahan

In many churches Psalm 23 is being read today. We are using the semicontinuous lectionary, so we have a different psalm; but, or gospel reading from Mark also has shepherd imagery.

We’ll use Psalm 24 in our liturgy, but The King of Love My Shepherd Is is a metrical setting of Psalm 23 so we get both psalms!

GATHERING HYMN I Heard the Voice of Jesus Say (Kingsfold) ELW 611


HYMN OF THE DAY O Holy Spirit, Enter In (Wie schÖn leuchtet) ELW 786


MUSICAL OFFERING Shall We Gather at the River (Hanson Place)

arr. Anne Krentz Organ

This piece is one of a set of four commissioned by Our Savior Lutheran in Vero Beach, Florida. They have kindly shared these pieces with us. They are perfect for summer ringing when the full ensemble isn’t available.

COMMUNION HYMN I Come with Joy (Dove of Peace)

SENDING HYMN All People that on Earth Do Dwell (Old Hundredth) ELW 883

CLOSING VOLUNTARY Wie schÖn leuchtet

setting, Johann Christoph Bach (1642-1703)
J. C. was the first cousin once removed of Johann Sebastian Bach. During his lifetime, his reputation as a composer was equal to that of his more famous cousin.


The banners made by our Liturgical Arts and Crafts Committee are now on display at the back of the church where they can be enjoyed all year long. Banners particular to a given season will be in the front of the church. Thank you to all who participated in this amazing project.

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Music for the Fifth Sunday of Easter, Year B: April 28, 2024

OPENING VOLUNTARY Ubi caritas et amor  setting, Gerald Near It is the Holy Spirit's work to gather us together as God's people in a ...