Saturday, July 31, 2021

Music for the Tenth Sunday after Pentecost: August 1, 2021

 OPENING VOLUNTARY All Who Hunger, Gather Gladly (Holy Manna)

setting, Don Hustad


GATHERING HYMN O Day of Rest and Gladness (Haf trones lämpa fardig)

This hymn appears in ELW with the tune Ellacombe, but we will sing it with a Swedish folk tune usually associated with Advent and the text Rejoice, Rejoice, Believers.


The Episcopalians sing it with a different tune – a tune we’ll hear at the postlude.


PSALM Psalm 51:1-12, 18-19  (Gethsemane)

The Prophet Nathan Rebukes King David
Eugene Siberdt, 1866-1931

The Psalter 1912 was used by Presbyterian churches in the U.S. and Canada who desired metrical settings of the psalms for pairing with hymntunes. Good poetry and versification were to be the hallmarks of this collection.

With the Revised Common Lectionary, the Psalm for the day is chosen to complement the first reading.

In today’s reading from the Hebrew scriptures, we learn of Nathan’s rebuke to King David after David takes Bathsheba and has her husband murdered. Tradition says that King David composed Psalm 51 after these events.


HYMN OF THE DAY All Who Hunger, Gather Gladly (Holy Manna) ELW 461
Last week we sang this hymn to a modern tune by Jacksonville composer Bob Moore.

This week we pair it with one of the most recognizable American hymntunes, a tune attributed to William Moore who published it in Columbian Harmony (Cincinatti) in 1825.


MUSICAL OFFERING Bread of the World Richard Shephard


COMMUNION HYMN Where Charity and Love Are Shown (ACS 931)

Joaquín Madurga, the composer of this song, was a Spanish priest and a prolific poet-musician. In “Where charity and love are shown,” he creates a Maundy Thursday processional with all the dignified pomp of a Holy Thursday procession in the streets of Spain. The rising phrases and the doleful nature of the melody cry out like a “Kyrie eleison.” The English translation is by Martin Seltz, who skillfully captured the tone of the original Spanish.

(From Sundays and Seasons)


SENding Hymn The Church's One Foundation (Aurelia) 

ELW 654

CLOSING VOLUNTARY Partita on O Day of Rest and Gladness (Es flog ein kleins Waldvögelein)

setting, David Sims

hymn setting, George Ratcliffe Woodward

David Sims has written an introduction and alternate accompaniment for this hymn. Between the two, we’ll hear the arrangement from the Hymnal 1982 of the Episcopal Church.   

Sources: Wikipedia
Hymnal Companion to Evangelical Lutheran Worship
Painting of Nathan Rebuking David  By Eugène Siberdt -, Public Domain,     

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