Friday, December 15, 2023

Music for the Third Sunday of Advent, Year B: December 17, 2023

OPENING VOLUNTARY O Come, O Come, Emmanuel
setting, Michael D. Costello

GATHERING HYMN Awake! Awake, and Greet the New Morn (Rejoice, Rejoice) ELW 242
Marty Haugen's first version of this song was as a Christmas hymn. In a year when his family decided not to give material gifts, he wrote it for his aunt.  As you might guess, the opening words were, "Rejoice, rejoice!"

Feeling there was already an adequate supply of Christmas hymns, he later changed its focus to Advent.

HYMN OF THE DAY O Lord, How Shall I Meet You (Wie soll ich dich empfangen) ELW 241
In today's gospel reading, a group of priests and Levites (sent from the Pharisees) confront John the Baptist. They want to know if he is the Messiah. He tells them he is not, but that he has been sent to prepare the way for someone greater than himself. 

It can seem strange when assemblies sing songs with "I" language. Of course we understand that we are singing of a shared experience and that "I" can really be a communal "we." But I appreciate that after three stanzas of "how shall meet you," "you came to set me free," and "Your thirst for my salvation set me free," the focus turns outward and we call upon the sad hearted to rejoice. The Lord's appearing isn't just for me, but for all. We call on all people to hail Christ's appearing and ask him to guide us safely home.

MUSICAL OFFERING Climb to the Top of the Highest Mountain
Carolyn Jennings
In this season of Advent, 3 of our readings from the Hebrew scriptures come from the book called Isaiah. While scholars believe this book may be a compilation of writings from at least three prophets, their message is unfied - God's people will be redeemed and comforted.

This musical offering is an echo of last week's reading from Isaiah 40. God will care for the people like a shepherd, carrying them in loving arms and keeping them safe from harm.
Not only is Mount Hermon the highest point in Israel, it's home to a ski resort!

COMMUNION HYMN As the Dark Awaits the Dawn (Lucent) ELW 261

SENDING HYMN Joy to the World (Antioch) ELW 267

J. S. Bach
The subject (opening theme) of this fugue resembles a trumpet call, earning it "The Night Watchman's Fugue" as a nickname. 
"Keep Awake!" is our constant Advent cry, something to ponder as we hear the music played.

We welcome Jane Daugherty to the organ bench for today's closing voluntary.

Sources: Hymnal Companion to Evangelical Lutheran Worship
Mount Hermon photo: By Almog - Own work, Public Domain,

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