Friday, December 8, 2023

Music for the Second Sunday of Advent, Year B: December 10, 2023

OPENING VOLUNTARY Lo, How a Rose E'er Blooming
arr. Sandra Eithun
St. Mark's Ringers

In this season of Advent, three of four readings from the Hebrew Scriptures are from the Book of Isaiah. Christians have long seen prophecies of Jesus in his writings. (I say "his," but many scholars believe this book is a compilation of writings from at least THREE "Isaiahs.") You'll find "Lo, How a Rose," in the Christmas section of Evangelical Lutheran Worship, but the line "Isaiah 'twas foretold it, this rose I have in mind. . ." makes it a suitable Advent hymn as well. (Yes, I used one of the more poetic versions of the text.)

Eithun's arrangement begins with the melody high in the handbell range. She augments (stretches) the rhythms, so the melody seems to hang suspended in time with an ethereal quality.

Our Three Kings recently enjoyed a loving makeover from member Darby Brown. They look amazing and sit a respectable distance from the creche.

GATHERING HYMN Prepare the Royal Highway 
(Bereden väg för Herran) ELW 264
Compare the text of this hymn to today's reading from the Hebrew Scriptures, especially Isaiah 40: 3-5. "Prepare the royal highway" is another way of saying "make straight in the desert a highway."

The second stanza looks forward to Jesus' triumphal entry into Jerusalem, but stanzas three and four seem to be about the second coming when he comes to rule in "peace and freedom and justice, truth, and love."

HYMN OF THE DAY Comfort, Comfort Now My People 
(Freu dich sehr) ELW 256

MUSICAL OFFERING My Lord, What a Morning David von Kampen
See the text and tune at ELW 438
This classic African American spiritual and Advent hymn gives a vivid picture of the End Times, an important theme in the season of Advent. 
The gentle, almost gospel accompaniment with selected chords from the jazz genre is a suitable homage to the gospel style.
Interestingly, the stanzas that speak of the sinner's cry and the Christian's shout are notated to be sung softly by the arranger. Why? I can't be certain, but I think it's because the morning also comes with mourning. Christians should never take glee in the notion that someone perishes, whatever their sins may be. God certainly does not.

COMMUNION HYMN All Earth is Hopeful (Toda la tierra) ELW 266
When St. Francis photobombs your "We're having a baby" announcement.

SENDING HYMN Hark, the Glad Sound (Chesterfield)  ELW 239

CLOSING VOLUNTARY On Jordan's Bank the Baptist's Cry
(Puer nobis)
See the text and tune at ELW 249.

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