Friday, March 22, 2024

Music for Sunday of the Passion / Palm Sunday, Year B: March 24, 2024

GATHERING HYMN All Glory, Laud, and Honor (Valet will ich dir geben) ELW 344
Bishop Theodulph of Orleans is credited with writing this hymn some time in the 8th century. The story goes that Charlemagne had brought him to France and installed him as Bishop of Orleans. After Charlemagne's death, Theodulph was accused of traitorous acts against the new king, Louis the Pious. This, naturally, landed Theodulph in jail.
The story continues that on Palm Sunday, Louis was on his way to church when he heard Theodulph singing from his cell. Theodulph's hymn, which he wrote, so moved the king that he freed Theodulph from prison, restored his bishopric, and declared that the hymn, "All Glory, Laud, and Honor" should always be sung during Palm Sunday processions.
It's just a story though, however nice. There is no evidence that Louis was in the same city where Theodulph was imprisoned, and no historical evidence that Theodulph's position was ever restored. In fact, it's likely he died in jail.

It's a great hymn for Palm Sunday, but there is no rule that it always be sung for the Palm Sunday procession. Even at St. Mark's we have occasionally used "Fling Wide the Door."

HYMN OF THE DAY There in God's Garden (Shades Mountain) ELW 342

MUSICAL OFFERING My Dying Lord David Lantz III
The text of this anthem is a suitable poem to follow the passion reading. Jesus is compared to a dying lamb, a rose, and the rain.

COMMUNION HYMN My Song Is Love Unknown (Love Unknown) ELW 343

SENDING HYMN Go to Dark Gethsemane (Gethsemane) ELW 347

 CLOSING VOLUNTARY All Glory, Laud, and Honor setting, Kenneth T. Kosche

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Music for the Fifth Sunday of Easter, Year B: April 28, 2024

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