Friday, March 8, 2024

Music for the Fourth Sunday in Lent, Year B: March 10, 2024

OPENING VOLUNTARY Amazing Grace, How Sweet the Sound
Setting, Robert A. Hobby
The organ's oboe stop opens quietly. The drone of an open fifth under a lightly ornamented melody sounds like a distant bag piper who moves toward us. As they pass the village church, the organist picks up the theme and lends a dramatic crescendo. The piper continues on their way, and we stand watching and listening as they fade from our sight and our hearing.  

GATHERING HYMN O Christ, Our Hope (Lobt Gott, ihr Christen) ELW 604
The original version of this hymn dates to the seventh or eighth century where it was sung for Ascension. Evangelical Lutheran Worship classifies it under "Confession and Forgiveness," so it's easy to see why we might sing it during Lent.
The first stanza hails Christ as the Lord of creation and the redeemer. The second stanza goes on to tell us that Jesus died willingly. Stanza three tells of Christ being raised and being seated at God's right hand - hence the Ascension theme of the original hymn. The fourth stanza comes around to tell us, having been purified by mercy, we can approach Christ's throne. Stanza five is doxological and moves us to look forward to Ascension.

HYMN OF THE DAY Amazing Grace, How Sweet the Sound (New Britain) ELW 779

MUSICAL OFFERING God So Loved the World John Stainer
The English composer, John Stainer (1840-1901), wrote The Crucifixion in 1887. There was a time when this oratorio was performed by church choirs regularly - I have found it in the choral library of every church I have ever served. It is rarely performed in its entirety today, but the central motet, God So Loved the World, is beloved by church choirs. Its structure is mostly chordal, but there is enough polyphony to keep it interesting and to move the piece forward.
The text is pulled directly from today's gospel reading.

COMMUNION HYMN God So Loved the World (Rockingham Old) ELW 323

SENDING HYMN What Wondrous Love Is This ELW 666

CLOSING VOLUNTARY O Lord, We Praise You  setting, Kenneth T. Kosche

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Music for the Fifth Sunday of Easter, Year B: April 28, 2024

OPENING VOLUNTARY Ubi caritas et amor  setting, Gerald Near It is the Holy Spirit's work to gather us together as God's people in a ...