Friday, October 20, 2023

Music for the 21st Sunday after Pentecost (Lectionary 29): October 22, 2023

OPENING VOLUNTARY Mit Freuden zart setting, Benjamin M. Culli
Broadway musicals and operas open with an overture - a musical introduction that contains musical themes from the show to follow. Similarly, this piece previews the music that our Festival Choir will sing during the musical offering.

GATHERING HYMN God of Grace and God of Glory (Cwm Rhondda) ELW 705
It's an easy trap to trust in our earthy assets. Once we break that bond, we can readily "Give. . .to God the things that are God's." In stanza three we ask God to "shame our wanton, selfish gladness" in order to do just that.

But this hymn doesn't only have ties to our gospel reading, it relates to our world situation as the Abrahamic traditions war with each other in the Middle East. Last week's intercessory prayers included this petition: 

We pray for our Jewish, Christian, and Muslim siblings in the Middle East, for those who have died and for those who mourn. Bring an end to war and hatred so that all may live peaceful lives and be reconciled with their neighbors. 

We ended the prayer with "God of grace, hear our prayer," but we could also take a cue from this well-known hymn and say, "God of Grace and God of Glory, hear our prayer."

HYMN OF THE DAY O God of Every Nation (Llangloffan) ELW 713

MUSICAL OFFERING Sing Praise to God Who Reigns Above
Mit Freuden zart is the tune for this hymn. It's slightly altered from the ELW version. The melody has some extra notes and it has a different metre - instead of dividing the larger beat into two equal parts, it's divided into three. (This means you can sway back and forth as you sing!)

When we render unto God what is God's, we can't forget to include all praise and glory!

COMMUNION HYMN Around You, O Lord Jesus (O Jesu, än de dina) ELW 468

SENDING HYMN You Servants of God (Lyons) ELW 825

CLOSING VOLUNTARY Jesus Shall Reign (Duke Street) setting, Gerhard Krapf


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