Friday, September 15, 2023

Music for the 16th Sunday after Pentecost (Lectionary 24): September 17, 2023

OPENING VOLUNTARY: Herzlich tut mich verlangen
setting, Jerry Westenkuehler

In many churches this tune goes by the name Passion Chorale worshipers will quickly recognize it as "O Sacred Head, Now Wounded." The harmonization is possibly one of J. S. Bach's best-loved works. It comes back later in the service as the Hymn of the Day, paired with Kevin Nichols' text "Our Father, we have wandered."

Nichols, who died in 2006, was a Roman Catholic priest who studied at Cambridge under C. S. Lewis.

The hymn alludes to one of Jesus' best-known parables - The Prodigal Son. It's not only a prayer for forgiveness, but one where we ask God to bring an end to our faithlessness. 

GATHERING HYMN Awake, O Sleeper, Rise from Death (Azmon) ELW 452

HYMN OF THE DAY Our Father, We Have Wandered (Herzlich tut mich verlangen) ELW 606

MUSICAL OFFERING There's a Wideness in God's Mercy
The author of the text, Frederick W. Faber (1814-1863) wrote 150 hymns, in imitation of the 150 psalms. Eight of his texts appear in Evangelical Lutheran Worship. 

The original tune and arrangement of this setting is by Jacksonville composer Bob Moore.

COMMUNION HYMN I Come with Joy (Dove of Peace) ELW 482

SENDING HYMN Go, My Children, With My Blessing (Ar hyd y nos) ELW 543
At the end of the Hymn of the Day, we asked for God's hand to be stretched out to us in blessing, specifically that we may have forgiveness and peace. In the second stanza of our sending hymn, we receive that blessing through these words: Go, my children, sins forgiven, at peace and pure.

This underscores the point that hymns in Christian worship are rarely selected because they are "favorites" or because they are "fun." Hymn are chosen to complement the lectionary readings and to support the themes of the day. The texts from the Hymn of the Day and the Sending Hymn complement each other really well!

CLOSING VOLUNTARY Now Thank We All Our God (Nun danket all Gott) 
setting, Robert A. Hobby

I chose a setting based on this tune to remind us of the psalm for the day - also based on this tune.

Read more here:

Hymnal Companion to the Lutheran Book of Worship
Evangelical Lutheran Worship

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