Saturday, September 24, 2022

Year C - Music for the 16th Sunday after Pentecost - September 25, 2022

OPENING VOLUNTARY Around You, O Lord Jesus
Stephen Gabrielsen

No, you're not experiencing déjà vu!
Choosing preludes and postludes can be a challenge, and yet it must be done every week! I take care choosing the music that begins and ends our worship time. Every now and then, despite faithfully practicing, a piece just doesn't come together for Sunday morning. Such is the case with last week's prelude. Since we are still using this hymn at the offering, it's still suitable.

In case you're wondering, last week's preluded ended up being a setting of "Alone to Thee, Lord Jesus Christ" by Johann Pachelbel.

GATHERING HYMN Praise the One Who Breaks the Darkness (Nettleton)
ELW 843

HYMN OF THE DAY When Our World Is Rent By Violence (Fortunatus New)
ACS 1052
The music of lament is not always slow and mournful. Sometimes it can be agitated and despairing. Hymnwriter David Bjorlin, a pastor in the Evangelical Covenant Church, gives us a text in the great tradition of sung lament that goes back to the Psalms. The painful naming of afflictions that beset our world is joined to prayers for justice and relief. The musical urgency of Carl Schalk's sturdy hymn tune gives strong voice to this plea for justice, mercy, and peace. 
(Description from Sundays and Seasons.)

MUSICAL OFFERING I Lift My Eyes Up to the Hills 
Thomas Keesecker
This text based on Psalm 121 has themes of God's refuge and protection that echo those in the psalm that follows the first reading.

By Jonathunder - Own work, GFDL 1.2,

Today's communion hymns contain choruses and refrains that, due to their repetitive nature, can be easily learned - even if just the refrain. Feel free to carry your bulletin with you as you go to the altar. Singing in this manner strengthens our understanding of the sacrament and reinforces the celebratory nature of gathering around Christ's table.

Come to the Table ACS 961
In the Singing ELW 466
We Come to the Hungry Feast ELW 479

SENDING HYMN Where Cross the Crowded Ways of Life (Walton)
ELW 719

CLOSING VOLUNTARY O God, Our Help in Ages Past (St. Anne)
setting, Benjamin Culli

Door graphic by St. Mark's member Rachel Mumford

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