Wednesday, September 7, 2022

Year C: Music for the 14th Sunday After Pentecost - September 11, 2022

OPENING VOLUNTARY Amazing Grace (New Britain)
arr. Don Hustad
Don Hustad became Director of the Sacred Music Department for the Moody Bible Institute in 1950. In 1961 he became the full-time organist for the Billy Graham Crusade.

GATHERING HYMN All Hail the Power of Jesus' Name (Coronation)
ELW 634
Coronation was written by Oliver Holden (1765-1844) to be sung with this text. It is the oldest American hymn tune that is still in wide use. At the beginning of the second line, the harmonies imitate horns - required instruments at any coronation.

HYMN OF THE DAY Amazing Grace, How Sweet the Sound (New Britain)
"I once was lost, but now am found" is a fine echo from today's gospel reading. An interesting fact about this hymn is that it's final stanza ("When we've been there ten thousand years. . .) was not written by John Newton! It first appeared at the end of Jerusalem, My Happy Home in 1790. By the end of the 19th century, it was commonly published at the end of Amazing Grace.

MUSICAL OFFERING My Shepherd Will Supply My Need
arr. John Carter (b. 1930)
This gentle piano arrangement should call to mind ELW 782 which has the same title. According to Hope Publishing Company's website, Carter has published hundreds of choral pieces in addition to his piano arrangements. During my last summer term at Trinity Lutheran Seminary, I was fortunate to study composition with John Carter. Here's a picture to prove it!

COMMUNION HYMN Softly and Tenderly, Jesus Is Calling (Thompson)
ELW 608

COMMUNION HYMN That Priceless Grace (That Priceless Grace)
The original language of this hymn is called Fante, spoken by the Akan people who live in Ghana and the Ivory Coast. The tune is also Ghanaian and meant to be sung in a meditative style.

SENDING HYMN God's Work, Our Hands (Earth and All Stars)
The Evangelical Lutheran Church in America held a contest inviting hymnwriters to submit a new hymn for "God's work. Our Hands." Sunday, September 13, 2016. Wayne Wold wrote the winning hymn, developing the denomination's tagline with other parts of the person God uses, listing concrete ways of manifesting God's presence in the world, confessing God's activity beyond the church's work, and inviting blessing on the church's work on behalf of the gospel. (From Sundays and Seasons)
The text is paired with David N. Johnson's popular tune Earth and All Stars.
"God's work. Our Hands." Sunday at St. Mark's in 2016

CLOSING VOLUNTARY Joyful, Joyful, We Adore Thee (Hymn to Joy)
In this Time after Pentecost, we've been singing our Canticle of Praise to this tune. Next week, with the return of the Festival Choir, we'll switch to ELW Holy Communion Setting Four. You can think of this postlude as the tune's final hurrah before it takes a well-deserved rest.

Hymnal Companion to Evangelical Lutheran Worship; Paul Westermeyer

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Music for the Fifth Sunday of Easter, Year B: April 28, 2024

OPENING VOLUNTARY Ubi caritas et amor  setting, Gerald Near It is the Holy Spirit's work to gather us together as God's people in a ...