Saturday, March 12, 2022

Year C: Music for the Second Sunday in Lent - March 13, 2022

OPENING VOLUNTARY A Lamb Goes Uncomplaining Forth
Stanza Two from Evangelical Lutheran Worship
Organ Variation setting, Bálint Karosi

GATHERING HYMN The God Of Abraham Praise (Yigdal)
ELW 831

PSALM Psalm 27
musical setting by Luke Mayernik

HYMN OF THE DAY All Who Love and Serve Your City (New Orleans)
ELW 724
It may seem natural to hear this hymn in the overall context of bringing God's kingdom to the world, but this hymn was written specifically in response to riots occurring in American cities during the 1960s - riots arising from racial, economic, and justice-related issues.

Paul D. Weber's tune, New Orleans, was written in the aftermath of hurricane Katrina which struck that city in 2005. Thousands were stranded and the death toll was 1,833 people. As people struggled to survive and evacuate, Americans were forced to confront many of the same issues.

Perhaps these situations are not much different from what Jesus observed in Jerusalem.

Each time this reading comes up in the lectionary, I'm drawn to this scene from Jesus Christ Superstar:

Mission Basilica San Diego de Alcalá
Appassionata Michael W. Joy
The St. Mark's Ringers

Sometimes the title of a piece is an indication of how it should be played. Pieces marked "appassionata" are deeply emotional, impassioned pieces. As you listen to this piece, it's easy to imagine Jesus, standing alone on some mountain, looking towards Jerusalem (or Kyiv, Buenos Aires, Johannesburg, or even Jacksonville) and weeping.

It's also a reminder that Lent is propelling us toward the Sunday of the Passion when we recall Jesus' suffering and death.

COMMUNION HYMN Thy Holy Wings (Bred dina vida vingar)
Sissel Kyrkjebø
I'm always happy when the opportunity comes up to sing "Thy Holy Wings." The melody is a Swedish folk tune and I have always imagined it as a lullaby with the scene of a mother rocking her child to sleep on a stormy night.
I love this recording by Sissel Kyrkebjø - one of Norway's best-known singers.
But the song is hard to sing when there are children whose mother's lullabies are drowned out by the sounds of war and the desperation of evacuation. The bombing of the maternity hospital in Mariupol is a travesty. There is NO reason. There is NO justification.
Lord, have mercy.

SENDING HYMN Lord Christ, When First You Came to Earth (Mit Freuden zart) ELW 783 CLOSING VOLUNTARY Thy Strong Word
setting, Paul Manz
Our new "E3" handbell is used for the first
time today!

Sources: The Hymnal Companion: Evangelical Lutheran Worship

Photo of Sissel Kyrkebjø by Kristin & Vibeke -, CC BY 3.0,

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