Saturday, November 13, 2021

Music for the 25th Sunday after Pentecost: November 14, 2021

A Note from Cantor Tony
Hello all! I am on vacation this week but am happy to let you know my substitute will be Jane Daugherty - someone you know and love, and who knows and loves you back! I know you will have a morning filled with noteworthy preaching, exceptional musical leadership, joyful singing, and God's presence.

opening voluntary Prelude in C  J. S. Bach


gathering HYMN O God beyond All Praising (Thaxted) ELW 880


HYMN OF THE DAY My Lord, What a Morning (Burgleigh) ELW 438


MUSICAL OFFERING As This Broken Bread Wayne L. Wold


communion hymn Taste and See (Taste and See) ELW 493


SENding Hymn My Hope Is Built on Nothing Less (The Solid Rock) ELW 596


CLOSING VOLUNTARY Christ Is Made the Sure Foundation

setting, Carl Schalk

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