Saturday, October 16, 2021

Music for the 21st Sunday after Pentecost: October 17, 2021


OPENING VOLUNTARY The Head That Once Was Crowned with Thorns (St. Magnus) setting, Bernard Wayne Sanders


GATHERING HYMN Making Their Way (Komt nu met zang) ACS 979

This hymn comes from the new ELCA hymn resource All Creation Sings. A couple of weeks ago we sang this new-to-us tune with the text “What is this place where we are meeting.”


PSALM Psalm 104:1-9, 24, 35b

The tune of the refrain is borrowed from a Taiwanese hymn. Members of our Festival Choir and St. Mark’s ringers led this hymn for a Lutheran Restoring Creation worship service which you can find here:
Our contribution begins at the 30:00 mark.


HYMN OF THE DAY Let Us Ever Walk with Jesus (Lasset un smit Jesu ziehen) ELW 802


MUSICAL OFFERING I Sing the Mighty Power of God

David Lasky

This hymn about the God of creation echoes themes from today’s psalm.


COMMUNION HYMN Let Us Break Bread Together (Break Bread Together) ELW 471


SENDING HYMN To Be Your Presence (Engelberg) ELW 546


CLOSING VOLUNTARY God of Grace (Cwm Rhondda) setting, Paul Manz


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