Friday, September 10, 2021

Music for the 16th Sunday after Pentecost: September 12, 2021

David N. Johnson
Worshipers at St. Mark’s are used to hearing voluntaries based on hymns, but today’s prelude is a ceremonial piece written in 1962 when the composer was college organist and organ instructor at St. Olaf College in Northfield, Minnesota.
It is often requested for weddings. Trumpet Tune in D was transcribed for strings to be played at the 1971 wedding of Tricia Nixon, daughter of President Richard M. Nixon, in the Rose Garden at the White House.
This is one piece in his catalog of about 300 organ and choral compositions, most written for use in the church.
GATHERING HYMN Lead On, O King Eternal (Lancashire) ELW 805
Modern congregations might take exception to the war-like, male-image driven, portions of this text. It is believed that Ernest W. Shurtleff wrote this text for his graduating seminary class at Andover Theological Seminary, but there is no historical document to support the claim.
If the opening language seems martial, the second verse clarifies that God’s kingdom isn’t brought about “with swords loud clashing, nor roll of stirring drums,” but with “deeds of love and mercy.”
This is not so much a hymn about defeating an enemy. It’s about the journey of the church under the light of the cross.


HYMN OF THE DAY Lift High the Cross (Crucifer) ELW 660
MUSICAL OFFERING There’s a Wideness in God’s Mercy
Bob Moore
Frederick W. Faber’s well-known text is given a new melody for this choral setting. Bob Moore is a local composer who serves Director of Music Ministry at Church of Our Savior (Episcopal) in Mandarin.


Laudate Omnes Gentes
Raise a Song of Gladness

These prayer songs all come from the Taizé community in France. They are designed to be sung several times in a meditative manner. If you go to Taizé, it’s not uncommon to hear people singing in several languages at the same time. Feel free to sing either the Latin or English texts.

Since these songs can be learned quickly, worshipers might even sing them as they stand in line (socially distanced, of course), waiting to receive the elements.

Prayer service in the Church of Reconciliation at Taizé


SENDING HYMN If God My Lord Be for Me (Ist Gott für mich)

ELW 788
This is a new hymn for me – possibly for you too. It wasn’t known by anyone at choir rehearsal on Wednesday night.
Paul Gerhardt is one of Germany’s best known hymn writers – some sources say his texts are even more loved than the ones by Martin Luther.
Since it’s new, I’ve done a tutorial that you can find at the link below. It picks the hymn apart phrase by phrase. Please let me know what you think!

 See the tutorial here:


CLOSING VOLUNTARY If God My Lord Be for Me (Ist Gott für mich)
setting, John Eggert
Think of it as a reprise!

Sources: Wikipedia
Hymnal Companion to Evangelical Lutheran Worship
Credit for Taiz
é photo: By Christian Pulfrich - Own work, CC BY-SA 4.0,

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