Saturday, August 28, 2021

Music for the 14th Sunday after Pentecost: August 29, 2021


OPENING VOLUNTARY Two Versets on “Morning Has Broken” (Bunessan)

Richard Proulx, 1937-2010


GATHERING HYMN Dearest Jesus, at Your Word (Liebster Jesu, wir sind hier)
ELW 520


HYMN OF THE DAY As a Chalice Cast of Gold

This hymn is not in ELW. The text is by author and poet Thomas Troeger (b. 1945) and the tune is Dix.


Thomas Keesecker
The text comes from Psalm 51.


COMMUNION HYMN Lord, I Want to Be a Christian
African American Spiritual


SENDING HYMN O Word of God Incarnate (Munich)

ELW 514


CLOSING VOLUNTARY Fanfare Postlude on St. Thomas

In many hymnals this tune is paired with the text “I Love Thy/Your Kingdom, Lord.)


  1. I used "As a Chalice Cast of Gold" for our online service. This hymn was new to me, but I was very taken with the text, nice tune, too.


Music for the Fifth Sunday of Easter, Year B: April 28, 2024

OPENING VOLUNTARY Ubi caritas et amor  setting, Gerald Near It is the Holy Spirit's work to gather us together as God's people in a ...