Saturday, December 5, 2020

Music for the Second Sunday of Advent: December 6, 2020


OPENING VOLUNTARY Prelude and Chorale on “Winchester New”

setting, Stephen P. Johnson / William Henry Monk


GATHERING HYMN Prepare the Royal Highway (Bereden väg för Herran)

ELW 264

HYMN OF THE DAY There’s a Voice in the Wilderness (Ascension)

ELW 255


MUSICAL OFFERING Come, Thou Long-Expected Jesus

Music: Nancy M. Raabe
Text: Charles Wesley


MUSIC DURING COMMUNION Comfort, Comfort Now My People (Freu dich sehr)

setting, Paul Manz


SENDING HYMN Hark, the Glad Sound! (Chesterfield)

ELW 239


CLOSING VOLUNTARY On Jordan’s Bank the Baptist’s Cry (Puer nobis)

setting, John Eggert

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