Friday, November 13, 2020

Music for the 24th Sunday after Pentecost: November 15, 2020


OPENING VOLUNTARY Partita on “Lord, Thee I Love with All My Heart” (Herlich lieb)

A partita is a musical suite. In recent years, composers have been writing “hymn partitas” – a suite of variations on a hymn tune. This partita by J. Wayne Kerr has three variations. We’ll hear the first one, Reflection, as the service begins. The other two variations will be heard later in the worship service.


Today’s gospel reading is the parable of the talents. We are often told the lesson for us in this reading is that we should not squander the gifts we have from God. In Martin Schalling’s hymn we acknowledge God’s gifts and ask for help in using them for God’s glory.

       Yea, Lord, thine own rich bounty gave my body, soul, and all I have in this poor life of labor.

       Lord, grant that I in every place may glorify thy lavish grace and serve and help my neighbor.


I did not know this hymn before coming to St. Mark’s. Now it is one of my favorites.

 GATHERING HYMN Lord of Glory, You Have Bought Us (Hyfrydol) ELW 707


HYMN OF THE DAY As Saints of Old (Forest Green) ELW 695

This is one of the most satisfying of all hymn tunes. It’s AABA form is solid and reassuring. This is my favorite tune for the Christmas text “O Little Town of Bethlehem.”


MUSICAL OFFERING Jesus Calls Us K. Lee Scott

This text is found in ELW with the tune Galilee, but K. Lee Scott has paired it with Sion’s Security, an American southern folk hymn that was first published in 1867.



Variation 2 in J. Wayne Kerr’s partita is a trio – a piece of music with three voices. The right hand takes the melody while the left hand plays a counter melody. The organ pedals provide a solid foundation with a steady beat.


SENDING HYMN O God, Our Help in Ages Past (St. Anne) ELW 632


CLOSING VOLUNTARY Variation 3 on “Lord, Thee I Love”

The final variation is a toccata. The hands are quite active while the pedals solo out the melody. If you’ve ever wondered what it sounds like when all of the organ’s stops are played, listen to the last two chords of this piece which are played “full organ.”


  1. As always, a wonderful line up music, both in tune and lyric! The time and care you put into selecting the music for our time of worship is together is humbling and we are all better for your work!


Music for the Fifth Sunday of Easter, Year B: April 28, 2024

OPENING VOLUNTARY Ubi caritas et amor  setting, Gerald Near It is the Holy Spirit's work to gather us together as God's people in a ...