Friday, October 2, 2020

Music for the Eighteenth Sunday after Pentecost: October 4, 2020


Fred Gramann

This is the St. Mark’s Ringers first piece of the new season. We’ll perform the same way we’ve been practicing – in the manner of Covidtide, with masks and social distancing.
I wanted our first piece together to be something joyful and Gramann’s piece fills that bill. Running eighth notes create cascades of sound over a rhythmic pulse. We hope it’s a joyful way to begin our Sunday morning worship.

Fred Gramann is a prolific composer of handbell music. He is Director of Music at the American Church in Paris – a position he has held since 1976!


GATHERING HYMN Lord Christ, When First You Came to Earth (Kirken den er et gammelt hus)

Evangelical Lutheran Worship pairs this hymn with the tune Mit Freuden zart. I have several reasons for choosing an alternate tune and you can read about them in an older post:


HYMN OF THE DAY There in God’s Garden (Shades Mountain) ELW 342


MUSICAL OFFERING My Song Is Love Unknown setting, James Kirkby


We also welcome members of the Festival Choir back to worship for the first time since March. Our rehearsal schedule and format are a bit different now, but new singers are still welcome. Please contact me (Tony Cruz) if you would like to sing with us.

SENDING HYMN When I Survey the Wondrous Cross (Hamburg) ELW 803


CLOSING VOLUNTARY Scherzo on “Deo Gracias”

For today’s worship service, this tune is best understood in the context of “Oh, Love, How Deep.” (ELW 322)

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