Friday, August 21, 2020

Music for the 12th Sunday after Pentecost: August 23, 2016



Paul Manz (1919-2009) 

Paul Manz in a giant among modern Lutheran church musicians. Twice he was named as one of the “Ten Most Influential Lutherans.” In 2000 the American Guild of Organists named his as one of the “Most Notable Organists of the 20th century.” I was recently surprised to learn that he played a recital at St. Mark’s dedicating the Kreuger Memorial Organ. If anyone has a copy of the program from this recital, I would love to see it! Thanks to Pastor William Trexler for sending this photo to me! 

Pastor William Trexler, Interim Music Director Timothy Buendorf, Paul Manz

GATHERING HYMN Built on a Rock (Kirken den er et gammelt hus) ELW 652

A meaningful song for this time when we cannot always gather in our church buildings, this Danish hymn reminds us the church is built on the rock that is Jesus Christ, and that Christ makes us living stones in which he dwells.

I considered omitting the fourth stanza for its reference to “this house” since we aren’t actually worshipping in one space together; however, I felt its image of Jesus blessing children was too important to leave out – especially in this time when students (along with teachers and all of the support staff) have been returning to schools under the shadow of the Covid-19 pandemic. St. Mark’s has been mindful of praying for our schools as the new academic year returns. 

We look forward to the day when bells ring again, calling us to gather to hear the word of God and to participate in the means of grace. 

Psalm Refrain Noel Nouvelet

We have another traditional tune for the psalm refrain this week. Many people will hear it and think of Easter with the words “Now the green blade rises,” but this tune was actually first associated with Christmas and the text “Sing we now of Christmas.” It’s a great tune for any time of year.


HYMN OF THE DAY O Savior, Precious Savior (Angel’s Story) ELW 820

SENDING HYMN My Hope Is Built on Nothing Less (The Solid Rock) ELW 596

CLOSING VOLUNTARY Duke Street setting, Wilbur Held (1914-2015)

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