Saturday, June 11, 2022

Year C: Music for The Holy Trinity - June 6, 2022

OPENING VOLUNTARY Holy God, We Praise Your Name(Grosser Gott) setting, Donald Busarow
In this arrangement, a dance-like interlude comes between phrases of the tune which are played on the reed chorus of 16, 8, and 4' stops.

GATHERING HYMN Holy, Holy, Holy (Nicaea) ELW 413

PSALM Psalm 8
A metrical setting by Fred Anderson is paired with the tune Winchester Old.

HYMN OF THE DAY Come, Join the Dance of Trinity (Kingsfold)
ELW 412

MUSICAL OFFERING Sing with All the Saints in Glory (Mississippi)
arr. William Bradley Roberts
This hymn is on my list of hymns to be introduced into the hymn repertoire at St. Mark's.

COMMUNION HYMN Father, Most Holy (Christ sanctorum)
ELW 415

SENDING HYMN Source and Sovereign, Rock and Cloud

(Aberystwyth) ACS 947
An old tune with a newer text by Thomas Troeger who died on March 3, 2022. It would be difficult to measure his contributions to theology, preaching, and hymn writing. His obituary can be read at this link:

CLOSING VOLUNTARY Praise God from Whom All Blessings Flow
(Old Hundredth) setting, Michael Burkhardt
It would be difficult to find a more suitable way to end this Sunday than with the words "Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost!"

Music for the Fifth Sunday of Easter, Year B: April 28, 2024

OPENING VOLUNTARY Ubi caritas et amor  setting, Gerald Near It is the Holy Spirit's work to gather us together as God's people in a ...