Saturday, February 27, 2021

Music for the Second Sunday in Lent: February 28, 2021


OPENING VOLUTARY Jesus Walked this Lonesome Valley with I Want Jesus to Walk with Me

setting, Thomas Keesecker

Today’s service begins and ends with arrangements by Thomas Keesecker – who is no stranger to the music of St. Mark’s. The Festival Choir has sung several his choral anthems.

Lent is a time of deep introspection, as are the spirituals that are represented here. The expressive writing has hints of jazz and lends itself nicely to a time of pre-worship contemplation.

Keesecker has recently retired from church work but continues to compose. He frequently appears in recitals around the country featuring his piano works, readings, and poetry.

GATHERING HYMN In the Cross of Christ I Glory (Rathbun) ELW 324

HYMN OF THE DAY Come, Follow Me, the Savior Spake (Machs mit mir, Gott) ELW 799

The text is by Johann Scheffler (1624-1677) whose father was a Polish nobleman that was forced to leave the country because of his Lutheran beliefs. Scheffler began writing poetry at a young age but became a Roman Catholic in 1653 as his faith and poetry began to lean towards the church’s mystics.

Most of his hymns, including this one, were written while he was still a Lutheran.


Mission Basilica San Diego de Alcalá

Robert Benson

sung by the Festival Choir

William J. Sparrow-Simpson (1869-1952), an Anglican priest from England, originally wrote this text as part of an oratorio by English composer John Stainer. The oratorio, The Crucifixion, contains Stainer’s beloved “God So Loved the World” – a staple of our choral repertoire at St. Mark’s.

Robert Benson has written a new tune that we sing today.

I’d like to take this opportunity to thank the members of the Festival Choir who have been able to sing with us since we “re-opened” in October 2020. I appreciate your dedication to our task of leading the church’s song. So, thank you to Janet, Lynette, Mark, and Ray – and to Pastor Daniel who also joins us when he can.  I look forward to the day when everyone else will be able to join us!

MUSIC DURING THE DISTRIBUTION OF COMMUNION If You But Trust in God to Guide (Wer nur den lieben Gott)

setting, Walter L. Pelz

SENDING HYMN I Want Jesus to Walk with Me (Sojourner) ELW 325

CLOSING VOLUNTARY On My Heart Imprint Your Image with Bless Now, O God, the Journey

Parrot Mountain and Gardens  Pigeon Forge, TN

Hymnal Companion to Evangelical Lutheran Worship

Music for the Fifth Sunday of Easter, Year B: April 28, 2024

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